
Sunday, 11 July 2010

hippos, seahorses and giraffes

Just look at all these yummy goodies Julie sent me (and there are more lurking underneath these).  This was the second parcel I received on Thursday.  I visited Julie in the US in 1991, attending her fantastic retreat 'The Art Stamp Cafe', and we also managed to squeeze in a day trip to Chicago where I bought this cuddly hippo

who, 9 years later, still sleeps on my bed!  So imagine how I felt when I turned up these two stamps in the parcel!

I was so touched, and a bit teary!

It's been a bit of a weekend for animals.  I've been eyeing up Carla Sonheim's Drawing Lab on Amazon for ages, waiting for it to be released, and it finally arrived on Saturday morning. 

I've been wanting to get back to drawing for ages but the voice in my head has been super, super critical of any attempts.  What Carla does brilliantly in this book is give 52 exercises that, certainly so far, silence that voice completely.  I think this is because you complete the exercises in a way that mean the image couldn't be perfect.  For example, the first one is to draw an animal, from imagination, whilst leaning on a mattress.  You do this 30times and if you find you are getting too concious of what you're doing, you switch to your left hand...

...hence the two seahorses on the far right who look like they've been electricuted LOL

The next task is to draw a giraffe using one continuous line, looking at the giraffe image 100% of the time and not looking at the paper.

I'm really, really enjoying this book.  If you have it, or end up buying it, I'd love to see what you come up with , and how you feel about it :)


  1. that looks a very interesting book Sarah. be interested to see it next time we meet up - and your results! LOL

  2. Your talents NEVER end...and I am so glad that you loved your pressies...there are more where those came from : ) xx

  3. I have just ordered this book Sarah, but I don't hold out much hope for me, I'm hopeless at drawing. I don't let myself go enough when I try to draw. Hopefully this book will help me a little. Your drawings are fab but are anyway before you even read this book. The seahorse you did for your workshop was great. Tracy Evans x x

  4. P.S. just seen your comment on my blog. I've been so hot today, I could have slept all day. It might me because I spent a lot of time in the garden working and now I have no energy, really struggled with craft today. Need my mojo back soon it's my son Ryan's birthday on Friday, 14yrs, it makes me feel so old LOL x

  5. Wooow, how's that for superb art! I love the sea horses and the hippo is sooooo cute! ;)

  6. Hoping my copy of this book might arrive today!! Your seahorses made me smile :)

  7. 'blind contour' drawings are a wonderful exercise and surprising how great they can end up being! I love your giraffes! and your sea horses rock too! very fun :)

  8. H'mm, sounds like the book for me - been trying to get back to drawing for ages but just hate it when I mess up, which I always tend to do! Great goodies there - lovely to have friends like that.

  9. This drawing technique looks like great fun.
    I adore seahoses, they always look so content with life!!!!!!!!!

  10. This looks really interesting Sarah. Thanks for sharing your first attempts. They look great.
    What a lucky lady receiving that lovely parcel from Julie. You must wait for your postman every day with anticipation after receiving those inks in your last post. I love your results with them. It's inspired me to get messy again. Not enough mess has happened lately in this house!!
    Hugs Lisax

  11. WOOOOOOOW! I'm so excited about your happy mail! Can't wait to see what you create with it---and look at those hippo stamps! LOVE IT! Love that you still sleep with him....note to self:: Sarah likes hippos:)

    Also----look at your drawings! WOW! I can't even do that with my regular hand! FAB FAB FAB--you are TALENTED!! LOVE it:)

  12. Cheeky request - will you bring it with you on Saturday....pretty please!?!?!?! Love to have a look and see if it would help my non-existant drawing skills.
    The hippo's gorgeous - our spare bed is covered with such things that have been "moved" from our bed!!
    See you soon

  13. I've always been daunted by drawing freehand but this book looks really helpful in building your confidence.

    Your drawings are lovely.

  14. Oh I just got this book in the post today! I've been flicking through the pages and I've yet to start the projects but I cant wait!!

  15. Great ideas - I'll have to check out that book. I love the sea horses!
    THanks for joining the Blog Hop for artists ~ be prepared to be inspired as there are so many talented artists on here!

  16. I've just sent Wendy an e-mail after you left a comment on my blog - because it would only be costing me for one day not two, I've rung Lou and offered to pay for her as I was going to spend that amount anyway and she says she'd like to come!!!!! I think she only said she wouldn't come originally as she couldn't afford it and she didn't want to ask me if I would pay for her!! So that's another one to add to the numbers - not sure how many Wendy needs to run it - Fingers crossed!!


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