
Friday 11 November 2011

AEDM day 11 - felted seahorse

What Art Every Day Month is doing for me is focusing my attention on following through an idea.  My 'emergency' tags on which to make something if all else fails are still in their packet!  I used one of yesterday's  as inspiration for my felted seahorse.

I started with some curly locks and used them to 'sketch out' the outline of the seahorse using my needle felting tool.

I then added in various colours of merino wool before felting in bits of felt, organza and old scarf!

Next stop, the sewing machine ;)


oooo, just love it :)  Now it will sit for a while whilst I decide what to do next!


  1. This is lovely, I have always wanted to try felt, but not had the courage, great to visit your site, have a blessed weekend. Amanda

    Art Blog
    Amanda - Realityarts-Creativity

  2. that's very cool and very clever Sarah. I've loved watching your idea develop into this final outcome.

  3. Wow, your seahorse is amazing, and I loved seeing the process and the way your idea developed. Brilliant!

  4. He is absolutely wonderful. He is a fine example of a very regal sea creature...I love him!!!
    Thanks for going through all the stages. I have got to try this!!
    (Thanks for your amazing comments.
    The little bird is going to be posted soon...he is not that brill though.)
    Gwen xx

  5. I just love this! Your step-by-step makes me want to try something like this.

  6. WOW AWESOME!! totally love this so clever and different! hugs me xx

  7. Wow, this is beyond beautiful! Thanks for sharing the process, hugs Jennibellie :) x

  8. I've never felted, but these are really pretty and colorful! I love seahorses. :)


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