... to teach so many people new to art journaling at New Wine NE 2013. I taught almost 100 people (some people came back again, and some again again! so I'm not sure of the exact number) over the week and it was one of the most fabulous things I've ever done. Only one or two had even heard of art journaling.
The 3:16 arts venue was in a large marquee last year but this year we had a whole cattle shed! It was huge! People had the opportunity to take classes in so many different art activities including watercolour, lino cutting, screen printing, fret cutting, stained glass (copper foiling), sculpture, proddy rug flowers, weave a prayer, stitch a prayer, canvas art, felting, mosaic, willow lanterns, creating from driftwood and sea glass ..... and more...
... including art journaling with me! This collection of tables, more or less in the middle of the room, was my space for the week.
My maximum of 11 people per class soon stretched to the 13 we could fit around the tables.
And that pristine white paper was soon beautifully coloured with oversprayed ink, paint and stamped images.
One of the things I LoVe about teaching workshops is seeing the colour combinations other people put together.
It was also great to see people just enjoying the freedom to play with paint and ink and rubber stamps. One young lad said it was the first piece of art he'd done that he actually liked! Others loved the freedom from rules, although some found this really scary at first!
At the end of the week we held an exhibition of work, which I'll share in my next post :)