Monday, 31 August 2009
my peacock lady corset
Saturday, 29 August 2009
day out in Wales
Thursday, 27 August 2009
Ready-Steady-STAMP! Challenge Four
just like Christmas!
Wednesday, 26 August 2009
my day
Now to make you smile Julie! I tried taking a picture of 'Scrap', Tom's guinea pig (remember I told you he wanted to buy one? He had the biggest smile on his face the whole of that day; he's waited sooooo long for his very own pet!) Anyway, Scrap is a little reluctant to have his picture taken...
No, I don't have a furry growth, it's Scrap crawling up my arm inside my cardigan!! He was a bit braver when he had Brillo to crawl under!
And even braver when I lined them all up. Here are Fudge, Boris, Brillo and Scrap. Fudge and Boris belong to school but they live with me most holidays and some weekends! Fudge and Boris are 1 year olds, Brillo and Scrap are just 8 weeks old - bless!
Now onto cards! I've tried taking a picture of one of the moving cards I taught on my workshop today. It's made out of a single piece of A5 card but by cutting and scoring you can create a moving central circle.
Monday, 24 August 2009
cute alert!!
"CUTE ALERT!! Do not go in Ashton on Mersey pet shop" (that's our local village).
So of course, Sophie (my 12 year old daughter) and I had to go and see this cuteness. And look who we came home with :)
He looks like a little squirrel but he is the most chilled out, beautiful looking guinea pig I've seen. His fur is kindof wiry, hence the name 'brillo' :) We already have two guinea pigs that belong to school, but live in my classroom. They often come home for the weekend. Now we have our own guinea pig, and a second one is coming tomorrow. Tom (13) has decided to buy one with his birthday money. He's wanted his own pet for ages.
Sunday, 23 August 2009
stunning atc

Last night I signed up for Julie Prichard's art journalling class starting very, very soon! I discovered Julie's blog after she finished doing 'Layer Love' which looked like my kind of class so I was soooooooo pleased when I saw she was doing another art journaling workshop. I can't wait! We're making journals first, then painting, collaging etc. If you've never done an online workshop they are great. You get to work with tutors you'd never normally be able to take a class from, you get instruction that you can watch over and over if you need to, and you meet people and see great work from others and receive feedback on your own.
Saturday, 22 August 2009
what fun!
I met some new people who hadn't been on my workshops before and we had a great time. Workshops are great aren't they? Spending time doing what you love, catching up with old friends, meeting new ones :)
Next workshop is on Wednesday :) although I may 'play shop' again before then; I've been meaning to do a window display for ages!! Have an idea, will let you know if it works out!
Friday, 21 August 2009
holiday journalling
Thursday, 20 August 2009
wow! what a stash!!

locked in a stamp shop...
Actually, it was only for a couple of minutes whilst Wendy locked up at the front but it was exciting none the less. I'd never made it to Wendy's Stamp Attic before although we'd met at shows and I buy online from her so when I discovered it was only a 7 mile detour on the way home from our hols I just had to visit! And what a wonderful shop :) You know that 'down' feeling you get when you have to come home from a great holiday? Well, I've found the answer! Visit The Stamp Attic on the way home, purchase lots of goodies and you feel great from being in the shop and you also have wonderul things to play with/read when you get home!
Wendy stocks a fabulous selection of wooden stamps. I do so love the feel and look of wooden stamps and you should see how many papers she's got, and loads of wonderful little bits n pieces that you just have to have. It was a truly blissful experience and I'll definitely be visiting again.
Tuesday, 4 August 2009
Sunday, 2 August 2009
inspired by Paulette
I find beading very relaxing, as long as it doesn't get too repetitive, hence the variation in beads along the base of the corset. I also added beads randomly spaced along the lace. Above is a piece I made a few years back when I had glandular fever - beading is something you can pick up and put down whenever the mood/energy strikes!