Julie, one of my best friends, is an INKgirl. She made it on the design team, her first but I'm sure not her last. Well done Julie!
A friend of mine recently introduced me to 'gemagic' so I've been merrily adding gems to this corset. As well as adding the shiny braids and 'fluffy' bit, I did the collage on the right with snippets of fabric, feathers, gems, and some dice earrings I found in Claire's accessories. I dyed the lace on the left using alcohol inks - they were fab as they dry soooo quickly :)
This corset is going in the post today to the next participant - I'm going to miss working on them, I'm onto my last one!!
The aim of the class was to get one page finished and have backgrounds started on a few more so they could be continued at home. Another was to use our favourite stamp images in our journal pages as so often we use the images for cards for friends and never see them ourselves. I shared Pam Carriker's tip of using charcoal to highlight images (thanks Pam) and everyone loved it!
Jess' theme for her journal was finishing school and the school hols -
I have absolutely no idea why blogger has turned this photo upside down. It's the second time I've tried to post it so I'm afraid its stopping. This is the whole corset laid out.
I spent today tidying and sorting. This is my dining room table, not even the workroom one! Everything was in such a heap I couldn't find anything so I piled it up into boxes, took it down to my workroom in the cellar and started putting away. My daughter was very impressed, my husband just declared there was a lot of 'stuff' and the fact that other people had more than me didn't mean I didn't have a lot!!!! Still loads of putting away to do but there was enough room for me to make an envelope...
My fabulous US friend Julie sent me a package of goodies a while back (there's another on the way, I can't wait :) ) and in it was a paper shoe. I drew round it and used all the bits on my desk to decorate this envelope. In fact, if you head over to her blog here you can be in with a chance to win some paper shoes like this! Well, actually they're posh compared to mine ;)