I've been looking forward to this exhibition for a while as I love paper (!) and it features the fantastic work of Rob Ryan. What I didn't anticipate was that it would also feature work by the very talented Su Blackwell and that there'd be some pieces I'd be familiar with from books on papercutting.
The piece by Rob Ryan was especially created for this exhibition. It's huge! [note: I don't know those people, I just thought it gave a good idea of scale with them there!]
When you enter the exhibition you pass through this enchanted forest. The branches are suspended from the ceiling and hover just above the floor.
The above piece is one I've seen in a book or on the internet. I love it and it was great to see it 'in the flesh' as it were!
The black swirls above were enormous - I'm trying to choose wallpaper for our living room and would love this! [Sophie wasn't impressed!]
Yes, that motorbike is life size and made of paper. There's a skeleton elsewhere in the gallery made by the same artist. Amazing.