Sunday 4 April 2010

Happy Birthday Kristin and Congratulations!'s a BLoG!!

I have to say I am absolutely THRiLLeD to be on Kristen Powers' inaugural creative team :)  Kristen has launched a blog to accompany her etsy store  but it is more than just that; in Kristen's words it is

"about creativity and the love of paper and art
and the many different forms that those things take. 
That is why you will notice a huge diversity in our senior creative team. From a U.K. designer that teaches art journaling to an internationally known watercolorist to a card maker that creates strictly for the love of paper crafting to some blogger/crafters and crafter/bloggers and a few of us in between, we have a foundation for one of the most diverse creative teams in blog land!"

I can't believe how excited I've been over the last few weeks whilst working with her digital images (although  anyone who knows me well only has to look at the images Kristin draws to know I'd be in love with them cute are those owls lol)  There are lots of lovely digi images out there but although I love colouring in, they really haven't called me.  Until I saw Kristen's!!!  I immediately wanted to sew them and have had ideas flowing over what to do (just sneak peeks here today though, but watch this space!!)   :)

 My sewing machine has been working overtime :)  I've been sewing on both paper and fabric..

...and there are works in progress, and finished pieces...

So why not head over to Kristin's new blog and wish her a very Happy Birthday, and check out  the others on the senior creative team here [did you know blogger now has a page feature?  check out the pages at the top of Kirsten's blog!] or via their individual blogs :)
Barb Kirkwood

Happy Easter!


  1. Well....congratulations my dear friend! We finally made it on a team TOGETHER (aside from our own)haha

    I think you are going to have SO much fun with Kristen's stuff..they are SO up your street! love ya xx

  2. Yay! Well done Sarah! I'm really looking forward to seeing your fab designs!!

  3. Sarah Thank you for your wonderful post and wonderful artwork

  4. Congrats Sarah! Looking forward to seeing your creations.

  5. Congratulations, Sarah! Looking forward to seeing more of your fabulous creations!

  6. Happy Easter Sarah! Congratulations on yet another DT position! Can't wait to see what you create!

  7. Congrats to you and Julie! Whoo Hoo! Can't wait to see more of your projects using Kristin's designs.

  8. CONGRATS:) Such cute images--but way cool that you stitch them! I need to take lessons from you:) HOORAY for you and Julie:)

  9. Pleased to meet you Sarah!! xo


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