Friday 22 June 2012

a different kind of journal page...and a little adventure

I decided to have a go at making a journal page with JuST my watercolours and my watercolour pencils and any patterns had to be ones I created.

I started the page with splashes of colour, much like I usually start a page.  Then added dots of various colours, sizes and textures.  I like dots, and they're easy to draw!

The red 'flower' started off as dots and evolved in a doodle-like fashion.   I added some more dots the other day, sort of 'stamen-like'.

This page doesn't feel finished yet, and it felt like 'hard work', with lots of thinking, rather than the relaxed playing around I usually do in my journal...because I was using all my own ideas and not using stencils, stamps etc I felt I was over thinking it but I wanted to try and just use my own designs so...

 I can't say I'm keen to do this again, but maybe doing it more it will flow better...we'll see.

And my adventure?  Chris, of Pearshaped Crafting fame, and another friend and I are off to 

in Cumbria tonight and tomorrow :)


  1. I love your page and think you're really brave to kind of go it alone. I think you should definitely do it again; I'm sure it'll get easier and you'll enjoy it more.

    cheers, rachel

  2. OOH! So we are!! I love this so please stick at it, look forward to seeing more! Time to pack, hugs, Chrisxx

  3. Super pages! Bright and colourful!

  4. i can imagine it was difficult "going it alone" Sara but the result so far are fab. (i love watching Donna Downey create her journal pages). have fun at Woolfest - looks brilliant!

  5. So pretty Sarah! Love the soft water color look!

  6. I love this journal page especially as it is so individual so stick at it x


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