Wednesday 23 November 2011

WOYWW 129 and AEDM days 22 and 23 - craft fair prep

Yesterday, straight from work, was my last ceramic class (it was just a row of three) and I made an angel with a textured dress.  Unfortunately my phone had run out of battery so I have no pics.  I had made a small rose from clay which the teacher then used to make a small mould for me.  I created some little roses for the angel's dress.  The plan is to make some felted, embroidered wings for her :)

I squeezed some 'art time' in today for 'Art Every Day Month'.  Just a bit of doodling but without AEDM I'd have just not done any!

I'm off to work at the Bean and Brush later, teaching our Christmas ornament class.  Today I've been busily preparing for the Chorlton Arts Festival Christmas fair which is on Saturday.  Why do I never leave myself enough prep time?!!

So my desk is a little messy busy today!  Neater desks are available for view over at the Stamping Ground :)

I've finished three more pepper pot flower collections.  My minions are looking after them whilst they dry!

I've also prepped some papers to make some small journals and cards with for Saturday (when I don't know lol!!!  I can see a couple of late nights coming up).


  1. I don't think I've seen so much on your desk for ages... lol.
    helen, 8

  2. The Bean and Brush looks like the coolest place to work!! Wow!
    AEDM pushes us to do something, that's for sure. Love your doodles, and that paper is awesome! I couldn't quite tell what was hanging up to dry, but it looked very interesting. Even your workdesk is an array of colors!! (You're a "real" artist because you have a messy work area--just ask any of my art teachers!)
    You have happy minions. ;)
    Have a great Thanksgiving!! :)

  3. Haha I love how messy your desk is today! Good thing about AEDM isn't it? It has made me do bits and pieces that I would usually have gone without for that day. Thanks for sharing, Jennibellie x

  4. You are definitely keeping busy! It is that time of year though, isn't it?!
    Miss and love you lots xx

  5. Hi there. Thanks for letting us peek into your creative space this week. It’s always inspiring seeing where and how we create! Hope the rest of your week goes very well for you. Never enough time; I've a fair Sat too and not finished and have a class Friday so have to do everything today! (Ps, your link on WOYWW is not working; it takes you to a different website)
    Neil #31

  6. Coo! You certainly are busy, busy, busy! Looking good though! May pop in and see you soon - "STUFF" still happening! Chrisx

  7. You are so busy, reading about all that you are doing makes me dizzy:)The paper you prepared is just the sort of design I love...brilliant.

  8. Thank you for your kind comments. Hope the Arts Fair went well today and hope you will be posting later:)


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