Thursday 3 November 2011

Art Every Day - days 1-3

1st November '11
After teaching in school all day, I went into the Bean and Brush in the evening to write and decorate the boards for the new winter menu.  Not art exactly, but definitely creative!

2nd November '11
A sinus headache, and a busy day yesterday meant I had a sleep this morning rather than getting some art done.  I was in work at the Bean and Brush at 3pm and carried on painting 'Brian' the builder after Hannah had started him [he's in the children's corner and those are my paintings :) ]...

...before teaching an adult class... looking forward to seeing these when they come out of the kiln as that brown glaze will be a gold layer over the green with bursts of silvery blue...

Again more creative than 'art'!

3rd November '11
Yay, finally got my art materials out tonight whilst watching 'Educating Essex'!

My new numerals stencil arrived this week so I had a good play.  The 'sum' is a '50s flashcard, and the black swirls are from a cupcake wrapper from Asda!


  1. I was beginning to wonder if you'd been abducted :p

    Nice work, and creative is creative, whether you think it's art or not. I mean what is Art? Actually, don't answer that :p

  2. Great work - love the circles paintings, and the journal looks fab.

  3. Lots and lots of creativity going on in your neck of the woods. Nice work! I hope you'll share a pic of the ceramic trees after they come out of the kiln too.

    Serena via AEDM :)

  4. I agree with Nigel (just don't tell him!) that creative is creative....going to Asda in a bit, might just have to look for those cupcake thingies:)Fab messy number pages:)

  5. mah lawd - I'm tired must reading that Sarah. love your paintings and you've not lost your journal touch either. don't wear yourself out Sarah! lol


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